Tá Toirealach Ó Gráda ag teagasc Ghaeilge d'fhoghlaimeoirí fásta ó 1986.Is é seo an tríú leabhar sa tsraith Céimeanna Comhrá. Beidh cúig leabhar sa tsraith ar fad. Is cúrsa cumarsáideach...
Know Your Place is a lovingly illustrated exploration of Irish place names that will bring you to all four corners of the island, learning the hidden stories behind the towns and...
’Seo é an domhan ina bhfuil orm maireachtâil. Ach is é an domhan atá cruthaithe ag Charlie Mackesy an ceann inar mhaith liom maireachtáil.’ Elizabeth Gilbert 'Crá, cairdeas, agus cineáltas...
On the morning of 21 November 1920, Jane Boyle walked to Sunday Mass in the church where she would be married five days later. That afternoon she went with her...
In 1946, twenty-six-year-old Bridget Dolan walked up the path to the front door of the Tuam Mother and Baby Home. Alone and pregnant, she was following in the footsteps of...
This book celebrates the life and the legacy of Geordie Hanna, a true great of Irish traditional singing.Geordie’s family and friends have gathered together a wealth of information, and this...
Ireland we have a wonderful selection of names to choose from. We have our own Irish versions of biblical names, the names of the Evangelists and of continental saints who...
From the first symptoms of serious unrest - the Divis Street riots of 1964 - to the tortuous political manoeuvrings culminating in the 2003 Assembly elections, the book traces the...
Foilsiodh an chéad eagrán den saothar seo siar sa bhlian 1926. I gCorca Dhuibhne a chuala an Seabhac formhór na seanfhocal ar dtús. Pádraig Ua Maoileoin a d’ullmhaigh agus a...