In 1845, Ireland was part of the United Kingdom, which was the richest and most powerful nation in the world. Ireland was producing a surplus of food. However, between 1845...
Tá Toirealach Ó Gráda ag teagasc Ghaeilge d'fhoghlaimeoirí fásta ó 1986.Is é seo an tríú leabhar sa tsraith Céimeanna Comhrá. Beidh cúig leabhar sa tsraith ar fad. Is cúrsa cumarsáideach...
Ireland and India seem far apart, with apparently little in common in terms of culture, language, and tradition. Yet appearances can be deceiving: there are, in fact, remarkable similarities between...
Rody Gorman’s multilingual version of Buile Shuibhne, Sweeney: An Intertonguing, in English, Irish, Scottish and Manx Gaelic with lingua gadelica, phonemic pieces and round-trip translations.
Pages 378
Don't leave yet. Let there be one more piece of magic to remember the place by. Is there something especially Irish about Irish gardens? The climate, soils, availability of plants and...
Take a photographic journey around Ireland's coast and explore the landscape, history, heritage and wildlife of the offshore islands. Photographers Carsten Krieger and Richard Creagh have a deep love for...
Cnuasach alt a eascraíonn as taighde a thionscnaigh léachtóirí agus iarscoláirí Aonad na Pleanála Teanga in Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge le blianta beaga anuas. Tá sé d'aidhm ag an leabhar...
Old Ireland in Colour brings to life the rich history of Ireland and the Irish through the colour restoration of these stunning images of all walks of Irish life throughout...