Toirealach Ó Gráda has been teaching Irish to adult learners since 1986. This is the first book in the series Céimeanna Comhrá. Céimeanna Comhrá 1 is the first book in...
In 1845, Ireland was part of the United Kingdom, which was the richest and most powerful nation in the world. Ireland was producing a surplus of food. However, between 1845...
Abair Amhrán (eagrán úr/new edition) Book of songs from all around Ireland. TG4 recently produced a series based on this book. Abair Amhrán (Gearr) (4) | Player | Irish...
Proverbs from the Irish language - seanfhocail - hark back to a time when Ireland and its people were predominantly agricultural, poor and Catholic; though centuries old, they are integral...
Toirealach Ó Gráda has been teaching Irish to adult learners since 1986. This is the second book in the series Céimeanna Comhrá. Céimeanna Comhrá 2 is the second book in...
The Irish language has thirty-two words for field. Among them are: Geamhar – a field of corn-grass Tuar – a field for cattle at night Réidhleán – a field for...
Toirealach Ó Gráda has been teaching Irish to adult learners since 1986. Céimeanna Comhrá 3 is the third book in a graded course in Conversational Irish designed specifically for adult...
Irish Surname and Name Generator This is the most concise and authoritative reference guide to Irish names and the Gaelicising of non-Irish names in Ireland, from the most precise author...