The Concise English-Irish Dictionary is a brand new dictionary, the first of its kind in over 60 years. It contains an extensive range of contemporary Irish-language translations of modern English...
Foclóir Póca is now available in a newly designed and expanded edition. It continues to be the market leader in Irish pocket dictionaries. Its popularity and continued success is based...
Foclóir Gaeilge – Béarla Ó Dónaill (Bog)Eagarthóir: Niall Ó DónaillEagarthóir Comhairleach: Tomás de Bhaldraithe An chéad chló 1978 /1979An Gúm Athchló 1992, 2005 Standardised Irish-English dictionary featuring living Gaeltacht speech,...
A handy Irish to English and English to Irish dictionary. Offering learners at home, school and in the office extensive and up-to-date coverage of Irish and English in a compact,...
Garry Bannister’s Teasáras Gaeilge-Béarla |Irish-English Thesaurus is the stunning culmination of a life’s work. At nearly 700,000 words, this is a reference book like no other in the world, a meticulously researched...
The world’s best-selling small dictionary. This new edition is fully up-to-date, including the most popular new words to enter the English language. The 16th edition of the Gem English Dictionary...