Ireland and India seem far apart, with apparently little in common in terms of culture, language, and tradition. Yet appearances can be deceiving: there are, in fact, remarkable similarities between...
How do you feel about embracing Ireland's native tongue? At odds after a tricky relationship at school? Maybe you've given up, or don't know where to start? Well, is fada...
Cén saghas uibheacha iad? Cé a d’fhág ansin iad? Bhí an spórt ag Caoimhe agus a cairde ag iarraidh a shamhlú cén saghas báibíní a thiocfadh ar an saol.Clúdach crua.
Rody Gorman’s multilingual version of Buile Shuibhne, Sweeney: An Intertonguing, in English, Irish, Scottish and Manx Gaelic with lingua gadelica, phonemic pieces and round-trip translations.
Pages 378