Futa Fata takes its first steps into the teen market with an Irish translation of the internationally beloved Heartstopper graphic novel. Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in...
A bilingual (English & Irish) selection of the poetry of Máire Mhac an tSaoi. ‘She is a prober of the condition of love, and no living poet has brought more...
An Cailín Ciúin ag teacht in inmhe: Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge á hathghabháil
An Cailín Ciúin coming to life: Irish filmmaking is being reclaimed
Pages 120
Lán le gáire agus le greann, bainfidh tú sult as an bhailiúchán bhreá scéalta seo le Joe Ó Dónaill, scéalta greannmhara a chruinnigh sé thar na blianta. Tógfaidh siad suas...
Emer Griffiths is missing without a trace. Garda Réamonn Seoighe finds her body in a lonely corner on the banks of the Liffey. Her son, Dan, is devastated by her...
This picturebook carries a beautiful message about valuing our environment.
A delightful tale that encourages us toappreciate nature’s beauty and importance, filled with imagination andwonder.
Pages 35
It's no secret that Britain achieved its empire through forceful, and often brutal, methods. Many nations are still grappling with the dark legacy of colonisation. Des Ekin lays out some...
Duine ar an imeall é Éanna Ó Corra. Aonarán i measc nandaltaí eile i bPobalscoil na Carraige. Éan corr, godeimhin. Ach cuirtear casadh i scéal Éanna nuair athagann dalta nua...
Now and again, this author presents us with a fresh work, and it’s always worth the wait. In this new collection, “Mná,” he writes about the lives of women in...