A handy Irish to English and English to Irish dictionary. Offering learners at home, school and in the office extensive and up-to-date coverage of Irish and English in a compact,...
At last! The long awaited release by controversial Irish author, Antán Ó Dála an Rí is here, and Rebel Voice feels it’s a whopper. In Loughshore Lingo, Ó Dála an Rí has provided a thorough look at the language...
The world’s best-selling small dictionary. This new edition is fully up-to-date, including the most popular new words to enter the English language. The 16th edition of the Gem English Dictionary...
Foclóir nua pictiúrtha do dhaoine óga. Foclóir Béarla-Gaeilge atá i gceist. Taobh leis an gceannfhocal Béarla tá an soláthar lom Gaeilge móide abairtí samplacha Gaeilge a léiríonn ceartúsáid an fhocail...
Focloir é seo do pháistí idir 6 bliana agus 10 mbliana d'aois nó mar sin. Leanann sé Foclóir Óg 1. Sa leabhar seo tá sainmhíniú simplí le gach focal. Tá...