The old story of Goldilocks and the three bears. The much loved tale of the Goldilocks and the three bears in Irish language suitable for children aged between four and...
The much loved tale of the Three Little Pigs in Irish language suitable for children aged between four and seven years.
Pages 27
Naíscoileanna Rang 1/2 & Rang 3/4
The short story can take many forms and this is amply illustrated in this very special anthology which celebrates the variety and the high quality of contemporary writing in Ulster....
‘Literature is the soul of the language, written by Seosamh Mac Grianna, and this book contains ten of the most inspiring and vibrant short stories ever written in Irish. There...
By Charlie Mackesy.
Irish-language translation of Charlie Mackesy’s stunning illustration-driven fable ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse’.
Though it is more than seventy years since it was first written, Caisleáin Óir, Séamus Ó' Grianna's best-known novel, still has the power both to touch the heart with its...
Part of the series of short books from Open Door for readers who are developing skills, and now they have been translated into Irish for the first time with the...
Stories from my youth A beautiful collection of stories that allow us to dive into a child ‘s hazy imagination. We see life once again as it was when we...