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Oíche Nollag atá ann agus tá Teidí ar bís! Téimis ina theannta go tír na samhlaíochta, isteach sa teachín arán sinséir, áit a mbeidh brioscaí ar crochadh ar na ballaí agus leabhair gur féidir a ithe, fiú. Beidh neart eachtraí ag Teidí, Tríona agus Tomás sa scéal spraíúil seo. Ach beidh orthu a bheith ar ais ina dteach féin sula dtiocfaidh Daidí na Nollag!
It's Christmas Eve and Teidí is very excited! He invites us on an adventure to the land of male-believe. Join the teddies as they excite our imagination and head into their gingerbread house. A fun-filled adventure awaits with biscuits hanging on the walls, chocolate Christmas trees and edible books. Teidí, Tríona and Tomás will need to make sure that they're back in their own house before bedtime as Santa is arriving soon!