On the morning of 21 November 1920, Jane Boyle walked to Sunday Mass in the church where she would be married five days later. That afternoon she went with her...
Brendan Hughes’ gritty memoir charts his meteoric rise through the ranks of the Provisional IRA in the early 1970s as it transformed into one of the most sophisticated guerrilla movements...
Bobby Sands was a member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army who died on hunger strike while imprisoned in the H Blocks of Long Kesh. He was the leader of...
Updated edition with many more biographies and a new introduction by the author. Spies, snipers, couriers, gun-runners, medics, women played a major role in the fight for Ireland's freedom, risking...
Saothar nuálaíoch é Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh agus an Fhís útóipeach Ghaelach a dhéanann athbhreithniú ar an meon a spreag giniúint agus fás ghluaiseacht na hathbheochanna in Éirinn ó aimsir an...
Tréimhse chorraitheach shuaite ba ea na deich mbliana idir 1913 agus 1923 do mhuintir na Gaillimhe, idir chathair agus chontae. Tháinig athrú ó bhonn ar shaol polaitiúil, eacnamaíoch agus sóisialta...
Salute the remarkable Irish women who changed history in this beautifully illustrated book. From Irish women who made changes in Ireland to those who made changes abroad. From adventurers to...