Proverbs from the Irish language - seanfhocail - hark back to a time when Ireland and its people were predominantly agricultural, poor and Catholic; though centuries old, they are integral...
Tosnaíonn an scéal seo le beirt fhear óga a fheiceann rud atá dochreidte - doshamhlaithe, go fiú. Ach de réir mar a nochtann an scéal, tógtar fírinní inaitheanta ina thimpeall...
Know Your Place is a lovingly illustrated exploration of Irish place names that will bring you to all four corners of the island, learning the hidden stories behind the towns and...
From the author of Thirty-Two Words for Field. When you look at the world through the Irish-language, you see a world more magical. See a squirrell as a ‘tree dog’...