A terrible beauty is born' WB Yeats's poignant words have come to immortalise the complex legacy of the Easter Rising, 1916. The poetry that emerged at this time of upheaval...
Discover the WARRIOR KING that was BRIAN BORU! Brian Boru grew up in a large warrior family over a thousand years ago in Killaloe, County Clare. One of twelve sons,...
Tosnaíonn an scéal seo le beirt fhear óga a fheiceann rud atá dochreidte - doshamhlaithe, go fiú. Ach de réir mar a nochtann an scéal, tógtar fírinní inaitheanta ina thimpeall...
Cén saghas uibheacha iad? Cé a d’fhág ansin iad? Bhí an spórt ag Caoimhe agus a cairde ag iarraidh a shamhlú cén saghas báibíní a thiocfadh ar an saol.Clúdach crua.
A simple, informative and engaging way of learning about some of Ireland's most exciting tales. "The In a Nutshell Series is a wonderful way to introduce children to some of Ireland's best-loved...
A fantastic selection of hundreds of his most memorable insults, quips and quotations. ‘I can resist everything except temptation’ Oscar Wilde is probably the most quoted and quotable man in...