Moira Maclean a mhaisigh Gabriel Rosenstock a chuir Gaeilge air. An chéad Nollaig trí shúile an asail a thug an Lánúin Naofa go Beithil. Tháinig mo mháistir, Iósaf, go dtí...
Séamus Ó Conaill examines the artifacts of an Irish home, from ash trays on back windowsill to the potpourri gathering dust in the ‘good room’. The list includes many newer objects...
This Boy's Heart by John Creedon John Creedon is a renowned storyteller. Following on from the sensational success of An Irish Folklore Treasury, here he seeks to capture the folklore...
Irish Words for Nature by Manchán Magan, Illustrated by Steve Doogan Manchán Magan is fascinated by words, particularly Irish words, and their connections to the natural world. Having enjoyed great...
Kinsale, Ireland: Christmas Eve, 1601 As thunder crashes and lightning rakes the sky, three very different commanders line up for a battle that will decide the fate of a nation....
Tá Sarah ina cónaí i saol atá lán de leac oighir. An Béar Bán an t-aon chara atá aici, agus tugann sé cuairt uirthi uair sa bhliain. Ach bliain amháin...