This book celebrates the life and the legacy of Geordie Hanna, a true great of Irish traditional singing.Geordie’s family and friends have gathered together a wealth of information, and this...
In 1946, twenty-six-year-old Bridget Dolan walked up the path to the front door of the Tuam Mother and Baby Home. Alone and pregnant, she was following in the footsteps of...
Irish rugby has produced many charismatic figures over its history. None more than Willie Anderson. Immortalised for his defiant stance in the face of the All Blacks’ Haka, the Ulsterman...
Tugann an leabhar seo breis léargais dúinn ar scoil scríbhneoireachta na gConallach agus ar an obair a rinne siad i gcomhar ar son na Gaeilge ina gCúige féin ach go...
Alice Taylor takes a look back at the well-used schoolbooks she used in her youth in the 1940s and 1950s. Flicking through the pages of the books and recalling poetry...
I Loved Him from the Day He Died is a deeply moving memoir by celebrated Irish author Michael Harding, known for his profound reflections on love, loss, and the human...
What is it like to be female in a male-dominated sporting world? If you play with the boys, more people pay attention - but you get treated like an alien....
Seosamh Mac Grianna was born in Rann na Feirste in Co. Donegal and is considered the greatest Irish-language writer of Ulster. His life was a tragic one. The traits which...