Ireland Stephen's collection of porcelain sketches is drawn from across Ireland and Britain. Capturing many of the islands treasured landscapes, from iconic Coastlines & Cathedrals, Universities & Castles, Mountains & Beaches,...
Ireland Stephen's collection of porcelain sketches is drawn from across Ireland and Britain. Capturing many of the islands treasured landscapes, from iconic Coastlines & Cathedrals, Universities & Castles, Mountains & Beaches,...
Duine Longbhriste (Eddie) Tá cnuasach sceitsí poircealláin Stephen tarraingthe ó fud fad na hÉireann agus na Breataine. Léirítear go leor de thírdhreach álainn an oileáin, ó imeallbhoird & ardeaglaisí, ollscoileanna...
Ag Dul Abhaile - Curragh, Iarthar na hÉireann, báid, iascairí Rolladh, gearradh, stróiceadh agus stampáladh gach saothar 'Cuimhní Cinn' le lámh- sceitsí fíneálta poircealláin atá iontu, cruthaithe go grámhar. Méid 13...
The Dark Hedges Stephen's collection of porcelain sketches is drawn from across Ireland and Britain. Capturing many of the islands treasured landscapes, from iconic Coastlines & Cathedrals, Universities & Castles, Mountains...