For An Eternity grey wood frame. With no beginning and no end, these love knots are forever intertwined. Each strand follows a shared path, but remains individual and distinct, complementing...
An old Irish proverb which emphasises the importance of letting go. Words have been cherished in Ireland since the first lines were carved on Ogham stones and they are celebrated...
Usually woven from reeds, the St Brigid’s Cross is widely thought to protect the home. This wall hanging also comes with a blessing. There are many folk traditions associated with...
However many years pass, whatever the distance travelled, Irish people can celebrate their sense of belonging to a community which has spread across the world and whose influence has reached...
Céad Míle Fáilte meaning one hundred thousand welcomes. Handmade in Ireland from bronze. This piece comes in a presentation gift box Size 5.5 x 3 inches // 14 x 7...
Entwined serpents, signifying the union and balancing of the body with the soul, are an emblem of healing. With a staff in the centre it is termed a Caduceus. Suffering...
Made from bronze and cast iron. The bronze beautifully depicts St. Brendan and his monks pulling together as they row the Atlantic. It makes the most perfect Irish gift for...