Comprehensive description of the Irish language community – population and censuses; planning and development in the Gaeltacht; the exclusion of the Irish language from the administrative apparatus of the State;...
Bye Bye Tommy Leddy Now! Autobiography. Tommy Leddy here. This book is about my family history, going back to my grandparents (O’Neills & Leddys) and the story of my life...
An Anthology of Scottish Gaelic literature Edited by Wilson McLeod and Michael Newton The Highest Apple / An Ubhal as Àirde includes more than 200 texts from a wide range...
This book is a collection of snippets of information and history, one for each day of the year, about some of the most interesting events and people in Ireland and...
From 1912 onwards Ireland saw reaction, war, insurrection, war of independence, and civil war. This book is a discussion about the period a century later.
Pages 111
From the beginning of 2003 the author Alan Titley wrote for the column ‘ Crobhingne’ in the Irish Times. This book contains a selection of those writings There are musings here...
Síolta Pobail Ghaeilge úra agus na daoine a thóg iad How did a handful of communities and organisations succeed in terms of the revitalisation of the language when so many...