Irish Surname and Name Generator This is the most concise and authoritative reference guide to Irish names and the Gaelicising of non-Irish names in Ireland, from the most precise author...
Stories from my youth A beautiful collection of stories that allow us to dive into a child ‘s hazy imagination. We see life once again as it was when we...
A completely revised new edition of Douglas Hyde’s classic collection of the poems and songs of Raftery, known to generations of Irish-schoolgoers from the poem ‘Mise Raifteirí an File’. The...
This is an honest account of how to manage the black bees of Ireland, of successes and failures, and of the most practical methods of stock management. It is the...
Injustice is an eloquent account of a historical event that is still vividly etched in the memory of the people to whom it relates. At the heart of the story...
The ten years between 1913 and 1923 were eventful and changing times for the people of Galway, both in the city and county. The political, economic and social life of...
A collection of stories that provide a valuable & rare insight into Irish life from the time of the Great Famine up to the present day.
Pages 189
An exploration in Irish about Germany’s relationship with memory on a local and national level following and in response to the Nazi regime. Agus deireadh curtha le réimeas na Naitsithe...