Beauty and the Beast as Gaeilge. A traditional children’s classic told in lovely, idiomatic Irish by one of Ireland’s most accomplished writers. The new titles in the series are...
Poetry collection by Róisín Sheehy, published by Coiscéim. Chuaigh sí i bpáirt le hábhair ar bhonn nuálaíoch, pearanta, cumhachtach. – Réaltán Ní Leannáin Róisín Sheehy lives in Waterford. Her work has...
Lá amháin, téann madra deas Mhuirinne, Bran, ar iarraidh agus téann muintir an oileáin ar fad a chuardach. Cluineann Mjuireann agus a cara Bo trup ag teacht ó phluais na...
Ireland in the middle of the 17th Century. The country is being tyrannised by Cromwell’s soldiers, but it isn’t just the people of Ireland who are suffering – Cromwell has...
In this book, the author attempts to provide different insights into the background and effect of Údarás na Gaeltachta, an exceptional initiative to achieve the major social and cultural goals...
Duine ar an imeall é Éanna Ó Corra. Aonarán i measc nandaltaí eile i bPobalscoil na Carraige. Éan corr, godeimhin. Ach cuirtear casadh i scéal Éanna nuair athagann dalta nua...
Now and again, this author presents us with a fresh work, and it’s always worth the wait. In this new collection, “Mná,” he writes about the lives of women in...
Sa chnuasach śr seo tį Ó Searcaigh ag tarraingt ar fhoinsķ éagsśla inspiorįide ó litrķocht na luath-Ghaeilge, ó mhiotais na Gréige agus ón tSean-Tiomna. Sna dįnta seo tį an file,...