This book is a collection of snippets of information and history, one for each day of the year, about some of the most interesting events and people in Ireland and...
A collection of stories that provide a valuable & rare insight into Irish life from the time of the Great Famine up to the present day.
Pages 189
A collection of photographs and text about the birds of Northwest Donegal, a part of the country that the author knows well. He walked the region with his camera in...
A vivid and original account of one of Ireland's greatest poets by an acclaimed Irish historian and literary biographer.The most important Irish poet of the postwar era, Seamus Heaney rose...
An exploration in Irish about Germany’s relationship with memory on a local and national level following and in response to the Nazi regime. Agus deireadh curtha le réimeas na Naitsithe...
In the archives of the French town of Chartres some printed pages from the 18th Century were discovered, and a reference to the mysterious author of these printers’ proofs, Captain...