The Boathouse Stephen's collection of porcelain sketches is drawn from across Ireland and Britain. Capturing many of the islands treasured landscapes, from iconic Coastlines & Cathedrals, Universities & Castles, Mountains &...
Small dish with Trisele design. The Triscele Symbol The symbol on the Irish Ceramic Dish is a Triscele. The Triscele is the name for a circular design which consists of 3...
Join the spiral of life Newgrange is where the Story of Ireland starts: older than the pyramids, this 5,000 year old earth and stone structure in the Boyne Valley is...
For An Eternity grey wood frame. With no beginning and no end, these love knots are forever intertwined. Each strand follows a shared path, but remains individual and distinct, complementing...
An old Irish proverb which emphasises the importance of letting go. Words have been cherished in Ireland since the first lines were carved on Ogham stones and they are celebrated...