Give me a hurler's skill, With strength of arm and speed of limb Unerring eye for the flying ball And courage to match whate'er befall May my stroke be steady...
We pride ourselves in sourcing the finest quality merino wool to produce the softest lambswool throw around. Its fibres are lighter than sheep’s wool making it incredibly soft to the...
St Brigid is the most important of Ireland’s female saints, the patron of healers and midwives. The tradition of weaving her cross from reeds for 1st February, to celebrate the...
Beautiful slate wall hanging 'Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin' meaning there's no fireside like your own fireside Which can also be translated as 'There's no place like home'...
A quartet of our Linen, Wild Rose, Meadow and Sea soaps. We've set the bar high with these chunky bars of vegetable soap goodness. Made with planet friendly RSPO certified...
From our very own pottery range 'A Taste Of Carntogher' serving platter with a sketch of the Carntogher mountain and text in Irish in the colour teal. Size 14...
Crá mo Chroí - Love of My Heart. Beautiful Irish linen wall hanging of a heart held with two pieces of wood and hanging string. An original design combines hand lettering...
Fragrance Details: This divine home fragrance diffuser combines the heady fragrance of white lily with the sensual notes of ylang ylang to create and aroma that is calming & restorative. Fragrance Mood: Calming & Resorative...
Nothing beats the scent of freshly laundered sheets, so come clean with Linen. Capturing the classic scent of fresh linen stacked in pressed piles in a warm laundry cupboard. A...