Insects, birds, bats, foxes, badgers, shrews. These beautiful and fascinating creatures need somewhere to live, as their own natural habitats become more and more endangered. Learn how to make your...
Did you know that bees have been around for over 100 million years? Or that the Brehon Laws included judgments about the rightful ownership of swarms? And why Irish beekeepers...
Wild and Wonderful Around the World with Éanna A very personal world tour, exploring how it feels to be among plants and animals in another continent and not to recognise...
Wildlife expert Éanna Ní Lamhna and artist Brian Fitzgerald explore the WONDERS OF THE WILD Nature has lots of hidden treasures. From rabbits eating their own poo to what feeds...
A journey across Ireland, in words and dazzling images, exploring the nature we pass every day. Go deep in the bog, high in the mountains and under crashing waves. Discover alpine...
“From moss to moths, Anja Murray has conjured up an ebullient paean to our surrounding ecosystem – asensuous celebration of nature.’ MANCHÁN MAGAN‘A hugely important, and simply delightful, book.’ EOGHAN...
Take a photographic journey around Ireland's coast and explore the landscape, history, heritage and wildlife of the offshore islands. Photographers Carsten Krieger and Richard Creagh have a deep love for...
Ireland's wild plants have been part of our culture and folklore from the earliest times, featuring in the Brehon Laws, early Irish poetry and herbal medicine. Plants are described in...
There's more to Irish bird folklore than the 'wran' boys and the Children of Lir. Birds have been part of our culture from very early times and there are countless...