My Story by Joe Canning The youngest of seven children from a renowned Portumna hurling family, Joe Canning was regarded as a prodigy from the moment he stepped onto the...
This Boy's Heart by John Creedon John Creedon is a renowned storyteller. Following on from the sensational success of An Irish Folklore Treasury, here he seeks to capture the folklore...
Whatever It Takes by Richie Hogan Richie Hogan is one of the all-time greats of hurling, winner of seven All-Ireland senior hurling medals and multiple individual awards. His epic career...
Irish Words for Nature by Manchán Magan, Illustrated by Steve Doogan Manchán Magan is fascinated by words, particularly Irish words, and their connections to the natural world. Having enjoyed great...
Cage Eleven by Gerry Adams Gerry Adams' account of interment without trial in the 1970s in Long Kesh prison. Written while Adams was a prisoner, the pieces were originally smuggled...
Is é atá sa leabhar seo ná turas Sheosaimh Mhic Grianna le linn dó a bheith ag obair don Ghúm, comhlacht foilsitheoireachta an stáit, agus é ina chónaí i mBaile...
(Winner – Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin 2015) The first cradle to grave biography of Antaine Ó Raiftearaí, or Raiftearaí an File has he is widely known, written for a general readership....
Seosamh Mac Grianna was born in Rann na Feirste in Co. Donegal and is considered the greatest Irish-language writer of Ulster. His life was a tragic one. The traits which...
An Dá Shaol: Ag Cur Rútaí i Ráth Chairn is a memoir by Pádraic Mac Donncha. Pádraic Sheáinín is a man who has experienced two different worlds. He was born into...