This is a story about two young men who saw something unbelievable, unimaginable. As the story develops they recognise the truths around them until it becomes harder to reject. What is the...
This book celebrates the life and the legacy of Geordie Hanna, a true great of Irish traditional singing.Geordie’s family and friends have gathered together a wealth of information, and this...
Saintí sa Bhaile – Santa has been very busy delivering gifts all around the world. But what happens when he returns home to the North Pole? How do Santa and his...
Faoi thailm na bpléascán agus chnagarnach bhuan na ngunnaí móra, faighimid radharc scanrúil ar an chogadh trí shúile an fhir óig seo as Gaeltacht Chloich Chionnaola, agus é féin agus...
Colourful, fun and interesting picture book featuring 28 images of Irish Pubs from around Ireland. Irish pubs are famous the World over for their hospitality, the music and the craic....
Pulse of the Nation is a celebration of the GAA's 140 years at the centre of Irish life, from its foundation in November 1884 to the present-day institution that has...
I Loved Him from the Day He Died is a deeply moving memoir by celebrated Irish author Michael Harding, known for his profound reflections on love, loss, and the human...